Arya Pratinidhi Sabha
of New Zealand

Children's Corner

Is there one God or many gods?
There is only one God in the entire universe.
What is the name of the God?
God has many names but these names can be classified into two main groups, the main name and the names based on His different attributes. His main name and the most suitable name is one and this is AUM. He is also called by other names based on His different attributes for example Brahama (means creator of the universe), Vishnu (means present or spread throughout everything), Shiva (means giver of happiness), Ganesha (means Lord or protector of all things living and non-living), Rudra (means making the wicked weep by punishing them) and so on.
Why is AUM the most excellent name of God?
This is so because one of the meanings of AUM is the protector of all and God is the protector of all.
Where does God reside?
God is omnipresent. This means that God is present everywhere at the same time and at all times.
What does God do or what is His function?
There are four main functions of God. The first is to create the universe, the second is to sustain the universe, the third is to dissolve the universe and this cycle of creation, sustaining and dissolution is ever on going. His fourth function is to reward or punish the souls according to their good or sinful deeds (karma) respectively.

What are the Vedas?
Vedas are the absolute true knowledge revealed by God to mankind at the beginning of the creation of mankind for their physical, spiritual and mental development. This knowledge was passed down from the teacher (Guru) to their students by word of mouth from generation to generation. Later on this knowledge was written down by Rishi Vyas. This revelation of true knowledge by God has taken place at the beginning of each creation and will continue to do so in all future creations.

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